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Our 1st 2007 Update!

<< < (4/15) > >>

Thanks again to Angel, Jen, Mark and you Wade for making this happen!

You forgot the picture of you and the lion Wade? I'll post that one!

Who is Who?

You can't mistake ChuckR all the way on the left...and Coastin Steve all the way on the right.
Any guesses on the others?

Any idea of what park the new Chiller train is coming from??


Thanks for the picture and the updates Wade. I'm sorry I could not make it but the woof needed her meds.

Ok I guess the pictures of LTSP just confused me. I am glad about the exit to the safari . I hope that it works out better then what we had.

Nice picture on the lion there Wade. I hope maybe one of these days to get to meet you guys so I can tell who is who .

um, Thanks for posting that pic Chuck lol


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