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Our 1st 2007 Update!

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Yes, yes, things are well, things are swell!

Its great to see so much work being done
Especially when we all can agree
Its just to make next season oh so much fun
To a whole new degree!

Chiller's awaiting new track and supports
Its coming very, very soon!
The new track will be combined with the old track they got
Sitting out over in the employee parking lot!

This will make a nice rising banked hill
Your going to be turned a bit more sideways than you may think
It will be quite a nice lateral thrill!

Kingda Kas blue train is out in the land of the Togo
Its getting a lot of work done on itself far far away
So it will be ready to go go...
On opening day! (Yes I'm aware that was in this update hehe)

The B&Ms and are all done and rehabbed and set to go
Their awaiting some people to come and cycle them in 2 weeks or so!

Now a clue for you about a certain rides queue
Its seems its never coming back
Which makes me ever so blue!

(As you now know) Batman will not be ready opening day, he will be dead
For his train has been stolen
By the evil Chiller of Red!

Yes they made the blue train red
Its no lie
What I have just said!

A train from another Six Flags park will bring our Batman to life
The pain of wanting to get back on all these rides
Just cuts like a knife!

(Thanks for the picutres too guys!)

LTSP is staying - just in the area over the bridge where the ball pit, road runner railway, etc. are.

As for the safari exit, you have 2 options when leaving - Theme Park or Exit :)

Wade, did you forget to mention Ben and Jerry's and Cold Stone Creamery? I'm looking forward to those as well :)

Really great pictures!

-Dainan "I like the west side with no Riptide" Rafferty

Crap lol  I didn't write them down because I figured i wouldn't forget them lol

I'll update the update later :)  Thanks Di!


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