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Author Topic: Question about a couple gadv rides..  (Read 5374 times)

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Offline larondeman

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Question about a couple gadv rides..
« on: June 15, 2006, 05:01:59 PM »
I wil be visiting GADV for the first time in my life in august and I cant tell you how excited I am. Before asking about the roller coasters I have a few rides in mind.

First of all, space shuttle ride has cought my eye. It looks much more thrilling then an original pirate ship. My question is are there any shoulder restraints? Also do you think this ride will be open when I'm there.

Now onto Tango. What kind of ride is this? Is it thrilling? I have no clue.

3rd the Stuntmant's' free fall ride. Does this ride fall backwards? Does it speed up and then down or does it go to the top and make you wait before plumetting you down?

Also do you think I could ride everything twice if I stay there the whole day?

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Re: Question about a couple gadv rides..
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2006, 05:08:00 PM »
Not only are there shoulder restraints.. but a lap bar that pushes the shoulder restraints closer than humanly possibly to your body.  If you dont mind pain, this is the ride for you! 

Actually its not all that bad, it just hurts initially but than it loosens up.  Its pretty cool hanging upside down like that, but i cant ride it more than once, in a season. lol.

Im not even sure if its opened right now actually, its just one of those rides.  In august your chances are pretty good, most of the rides stay opened all summer.

Tango is your typical rock n tug similar to the one at knoebels or the one in moreys piers.  I have never rode it so i cant really tell you if its good or not.

Stuntmans is a first generation free fall.  you go up in a cage type thing with an open front.  Its not all that comfy but it was the best they had in 1980 something.  You go all the way up, and than it moves forward a bit and if you listen you can hear the horn right before the drop.  Its about a 2 second pause if that.  You fall straight down in a sitting style facing out towards the park.. not the ride itself.  It gets so low and than bottoms out and you end up in a laying down position. 

In august my guess is no, you will not be able to ride everything twice.  It gets VERY crowded as the season goes along.  You might want to stay over night to get everything in just once let alone twice.
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Offline ChuckR

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Re: Question about a couple gadv rides..
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2006, 05:17:04 PM »
My advice is to get a GOLD Q-Bot.

Offline larondeman

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Re: Question about a couple gadv rides..
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2006, 05:37:01 PM »
Not only are there shoulder restraints.. but a lap bar that pushes the shoulder restraints closer than humanly possibly to your body.  If you dont mind pain, this is the ride for you! 

Stuntmans is a first generation free fall.  you go up in a cage type thing with an open front.  Its not all that comfy but it was the best they had in 1980 something.  You go all the way up, and than it moves forward a bit and if you listen you can hear the horn right before the drop.  Its about a 2 second pause if that.  You fall straight down in a sitting style facing out towards the park.. not the ride itself.  It gets so low and than bottoms out and you end up in a laying down position. 

About Space Shuttle's restraints I guess what you're saying is the restraints are like the ones on the twister?

About Stuntman I still dont get it. What do you mean you fall straight down in a sitting style facing out TOWARDS the park.. not the ride itself? And what do you mean it makes you end up in a laying down position. Like a flying coaster?

Offline Deadman

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Re: Question about a couple gadv rides..
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2006, 07:39:00 PM »
You drop down looking out, and as you near the bottom the track curves. So you end up on your back looking into the sky, untill you are turned upright again.
is back? in black?

Offline larondeman

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Re: Question about a couple gadv rides..
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2006, 10:05:25 PM »
Thanks I have another question. What are some other flat rides you guys have? Which ones are good?

Offline candc

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Re: Question about a couple gadv rides..
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2006, 09:54:26 AM »
I also suggest going on a week day, like a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday - a bit less crowded.  If you go on the weekend, you'll be lucky if you ride 10 rides!  Aside from people just driving there, both locally and afar, there are tons of buses bringing people there from NY, NJ and PA, not to mention summer camps doing day trips.  And of course there is the occasional company outings where anywhere from 50 - 300 employees go there on any given day. 

I myself have never ever used the Flash Pass (Q-bot, Fast Pass) system.  I don't mind the lines - great people watching.  And since I go often, I don't think it's that neccessary for me - I can come back anytime and ride what I didn't get on (I visit the park over 12 times a year).  But the Flash Pass might be the way to go for someone visiting the park from afar.  You definitely should stay over in a hotel for a day or two - this way you can have 2 full days in the park.  Add another if you plan to visit Hurricaine Harber.  And don't forget the Safari - if you're an animal lover.

Have fun!

« Last Edit: June 16, 2006, 09:57:29 AM by candc »

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Re: Question about a couple gadv rides..
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2006, 09:55:29 AM »
Water Rides
Congo Rapids, Rapids
Riptide,  hydro flume
Saw Mill Log Flume
Movie Town Water Effect, chute the chutes

Relaxing rides
Sky Ride
Parachute Tower
Big Wheel

Here are the other flats, you didnt mention
Musik Express ,himalyeya
Buccaneer ,swinging ship
Jolly Roger, modern tumble bug
Fantasy Fling, round up
Flying Wave, chair swing
Spongebob Squarepants 3D ,Movie simulator
Tango, Zamperla
Enchanted Teacups
Autobahn, bumper cars

My favorite
Houdini's Great Escape , Vekoma mad house

Pay rides
Great American Road Race , Go-carts
Dare Devil Dive,  Sky coaster
Eruption   sky sling
Alcatraz,  Simulator game
Turbo Bungy ,Jump with bungee cords on a trampoline

Offline larondeman

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Re: Question about a couple gadv rides..
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2006, 04:54:01 PM »
I also suggest going on a week day, like a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday - a bit less crowded.  If you go on the weekend, you'll be lucky if you ride 10 rides!  Aside from people just driving there, both locally and afar, there are tons of buses bringing people there from NY, NJ and PA, not to mention summer camps doing day trips.  And of course there is the occasional company outings where anywhere from 50 - 300 employees go there on any given day. 

I myself have never ever used the Flash Pass (Q-bot, Fast Pass) system.  I don't mind the lines - great people watching.  And since I go often, I don't think it's that neccessary for me - I can come back anytime and ride what I didn't get on (I visit the park over 12 times a year).  But the Flash Pass might be the way to go for someone visiting the park from afar.  You definitely should stay over in a hotel for a day or two - this way you can have 2 full days in the park.  Add another if you plan to visit Hurricaine Harber.  And don't forget the Safari - if you're an animal lover.

Have fun!


Thing is I'm going with family. We plan on staying at Atlantic City to enjoy the boardwalk and the beach. GADV-s admission is a little too much considering the canadian money issue. We're gonna be 4 people so going to the park twice will be a little too expensive. If it was up to me I'd stay the whole year lol.

Anyways how does the flash pass work. Is it let's say 5 rides where you dont wait? Is it for a period of time where you can ride anything you want without any waiting?

Offline ChuckR

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Re: Question about a couple gadv rides..
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2006, 05:58:13 PM »
You should try out the new VIP expierence that there offering for $99.95, which IMO would be amazing for a person only visiting once.

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Re: Question about a couple gadv rides..
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2006, 07:35:35 PM »
Yes here are the details because in the summer without it you may only get 5 rides in
A $200* value for only $99.99 plus tax per person.

- One Day Theme Park and Wild Safari Admission.
- One Regular FlashPass Rental
- Two Meal Vouchers
- Two Snack Vouchers
- One Souvenir Cup with Refill
- $ 10.00 off a Merchandise Purchase
- Five Games of Skill Plays
- One Go-Kart Admission
- One Rockwall Climb
- One Eruption Admission
- One Ride Photo

Purchase your fun time All Inclusive Package at the VIP Experience Center located at the Theme Park main entrance.

Already have your admission ticket?
Upgrade to the All-Inclusive Package for just $74.99 plus tax.
Package must be used on date of purchase and is non-transferable and non-refundable.

Offline larondeman

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Re: Question about a couple gadv rides..
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2006, 12:01:19 AM »
Yes here are the details because in the summer without it you may only get 5 rides in
A $200* value for only $99.99 plus tax per person.

- One Day Theme Park and Wild Safari Admission.
- One Regular FlashPass Rental
- Two Meal Vouchers
- Two Snack Vouchers
- One Souvenir Cup with Refill
- $ 10.00 off a Merchandise Purchase
- Five Games of Skill Plays
- One Go-Kart Admission
- One Rockwall Climb
- One Eruption Admission
- One Ride Photo

Purchase your fun time All Inclusive Package at the VIP Experience Center located at the Theme Park main entrance.

Already have your admission ticket?
Upgrade to the All-Inclusive Package for just $74.99 plus tax.
Package must be used on date of purchase and is non-transferable and non-refundable.

Let's say my dad gets the vip thing, the flash pass included in it has to be used by him or can I be the one to use it?

Offline ChuckR

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Re: Question about a couple gadv rides..
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2006, 01:06:19 PM »
I am not sure, you might have to call the park and ask about that.

Offline Nitro1118

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Re: Question about a couple gadv rides..
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2006, 04:42:25 PM »
Don't bother with all of that if you're short on money. Get a normal qbot, and do this: Get there early, run to Nitro. Do that few times, hit up Skull Mountain, then hit up B:TR, then hit Freefall. By the time you do all of this, it will only be 10:45-11am. The reason you do this is because the 3 newest coasters are on other side of park, and that is where everyone will be going first, which leaves Movietown EMPTY for the first hour or so, and every ride will be walkon right away.  NOW get your qbot, and do other side of park. Now there is no stress on going back to Movietown until later in day, after you have ridden KK/Toro/Medusa/S:UF/GASM, etc... My suggestion is qbot Toro, ride Medusa while your qbotting Toro, then ride Toro. Same for GASM/S:UF, qbot S:UF, ride GASM, then by the time your off of that S:UF will be almost ready to ride.

Have fun!

Offline larondeman

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Re: Question about a couple gadv rides..
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2006, 12:52:07 AM »
Thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate it. I have a couple questions. How much are the go karts? Can I get into hurricane harbor for freeif I have a six flags season pass? How far is GADV from Atlantic City/Boardwalk?

Offline Nozzy

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Re: Question about a couple gadv rides..
« Reply #15 on: June 20, 2006, 01:53:03 AM »
I believe it is $7 to drive the gokarts.  No, Hurricane Harbor would require either a 3-park pass for Great Adventure or buying a separate Admission ticket (it should say on the back of your pass that it isn't good at water parks.)  I can't help with the last one, sorry.
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Offline larondeman

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Re: Question about a couple gadv rides..
« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2006, 11:13:47 PM »
Anybody know how far gadv is from atlantic city? Consider the fact that we're fast drivers.

Offline ChuckR

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Re: Question about a couple gadv rides..
« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2006, 11:43:14 PM »
Probaly like an hour and a half at most.