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Author Topic: GadvCentral Finding  (Read 1228 times)

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GadvCentral Finding
« on: February 01, 2007, 05:04:18 PM »
So, I was just wondering if the site still redirected me to here. So, i went to www.gadvcentral.com and the site was on! Given that the front page is all messed uo with the coding, and the info is all years old, but Ive noted some interesting things. First, http://gadvcentral.com/parkinfo/2006ParkOperatingHours.php. Though the address and the site's date says otherwise, it says "Please check back in the spring for the 2007 operating schedule.".

Thats about it. If anybody wants to reminisce about the site itself, or if any people who only know about Updates want to know of this great old site which was essentially a sister to Updates, check it out.

And if you go to gadvcentral.com/boards, it leads to an install program to create the boars.

Oh well. This is just something interesting ive found. And I havent been on this site in ages because I all of a sudden got a social life.
Excuse me, do these effectively hide my thunder?