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2007 Park Operating Schedule?

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Very strange schedule as the Rise and Scream promotion states:

--- Quote ---Monday through Thursday from June through August 2007, two heart-pounding coasters will open at 9 a.m. exclusively for Season Pass holders. Don?t miss a minute of the thrills ? buy your Season Pass today!
--- End quote ---

So 9:00-10:30 AM is 1 1/2 hours of ERT for season pass holders.  I was only expecting an hour.
I suppose that is an incentive for people to opt to buy a Season Pass!

And I always loved the early Fright Fest Fridays!!

NICE! 1.5 hours is more than I expected.

10:30 really is it a suprise to anyone ?? During the season the rides weren't really opening till 10:30 or later anyway. El Toro at points wasn't even opening until Noon . Maybe this will get the rides up and running before guests come into the park.  I won't even be able to go opening week we will be away visiting  Myrtle Beach. But now I can't wait for the season to start !!

Rise and scream for over an hour !!  :o Now that really would shock me. I do hope that the time for rise and scream doesn't change though maybe that will be at 9:30 now with the later opening . I really thought it was only an hour can we really believe it may be over an hour for 4 days a week??


--- Quote ---Monday through Thursday from June through August 2007, two heart-pounding coasters will open at 9 a.m. exclusively for Season Pass holders. Don?t miss a minute of the thrills ? buy your Season Pass today!
--- End quote ---

They better not be opening the rides at 10:30 for Rise and Scream...


--- Quote from: SilverBullet on January 03, 2007, 05:12:03 PM ---^

--- Quote ---Monday through Thursday from June through August 2007, two heart-pounding coasters will open at 9 a.m. exclusively for Season Pass holders. Don?t miss a minute of the thrills ? buy your Season Pass today!
--- End quote ---

They better not be opening the rides at 10:30 for Rise and Scream...

--- End quote ---
I almost forgot about the early opening I feel better now.
I can see the Days KK is the early opener it won't open until the park does.
But as long as I can get a few rides without heavy lines that would be good.
I wonder if they will announce in advance what coaster will be the early opener.
Lets see wake up early go to the park for 2-3-4 hours get home to get some work done
not to bad.This is good for you locals.
Any word if the Other Six Flags parks have a early opening  ?


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