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2007 Park Operating Schedule?

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The schedule just went up: Click for the Schedule

Opening Day, Monday, April 2nd!

Weird seeing 10:30 and 11:00 AM opening so many days (like all Summer!)...and only two Friday Nights for Fright Fest... :o

Want no lines?

Go Monday April 2nd.

there must be 10 different open and close times.
And it is disappointing to see only the end of May open daily
and No Fridays in Sept and OCT   ?
I see every Friday in Sept is a Private event  I hope for Season Pass and or Coasters after dark  ??
So Fright Feast will really be crowed this year with only Sat and Sunday open until the last 2 weeks.

ANyone (Wade) know what the
Friday Private parties in Sept are for  ?

Well I think April 8th or 27th or May 3rd and 4th is for the Dream Night promotion.

Your totally right about the weird scheduele this year. 10:30-10 for 75% of the summer? Boo!

Why 10:30?

A very different schedule from year's past.  The 1030 thing is interesting as is the reduced Fright Fest Schedule.  My favorite night was always the first Friday of Fright Fest.  There was never anyone there.  It is also odd that they are open for two weeks during the week in April, when they usually are only open one.  Not that I am complaining, I will take vacation days to be there most of them.  April can't come soon enough!


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