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Photo TR: Great Adventure from the lake...

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Thanks for the great trip report.

You know we love a place when we just have to go have chicken at that particular KFC!

GADVwow, contemplating a trip across an interstate on the west side of Atlanta, for some reason or other! :)

Thanks for the update Chuck.  Btw- I'm not positive but I think there is a Nitro support that is blocking the 3 post just perfectly.  I'm not aware of anything happening with Eruption so for me, it would come as a rather big surprise.

Next time you want me to come with ya, Tell me earlier in the day. What you doing this saturday?

Probaly working, like usual....

Til when? I wanna test out my camera from across the lake. And I will see if Jerry wants to come along too. He wants to test out his camera.


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