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Lowest Season Pass Price Ends Soon!

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Got mine in Oct. also for $79
OK Rob how did you get it for $60  at another park ?

I should of got one along with a MAXX pass. Oh well...

Chuck didn't you get the Maxx pass at P:KD  ?
Also I didn't know Six Flags in Maryland was so close in or travels only about 15 miles from where we drove by.
but it was closed anyway. I never been there  will hit it this year to try S:ROS and the others.

Robert T Ackerman:

--- Quote from: pcman on January 12, 2007, 09:15:13 AM ---Got mine in Oct. also for $79
OK Rob how did you get it for $60  at another park ?

--- End quote ---

Bought it at GADV, and that price included a parking pass too. If I told you how I got it, then I would be forced to kill you (obviously joking). But really, I can't tell, it's my secret ;)

Bubba Z:
You're  secret is safe with me....for a price that is !


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