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2007 Plans!

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Not many people know it exists lol.

You have to go under Poland Spring Plunge (the moon flume back by Seaport) which I think is now rip tide.  Basically, go like you are going to Nitro, go towards the rapids ride and hang a left, go down a abandoned looking pathway and BAM, kiddie section.

This used to be the entrance -

With the sign -

edit:  oh yeah, the ball pit area is in Looney Tune Seaport and isn't going anywhere ;)


haha, don't worry Chuck, we still have something to do when all the coaster lines are to long lol

I finally found a few photos that Nate took of the area in 2005.

This is where I think the new Wiggles World is going.

You know.. I think it was SFA, that had an area devoted to curious george.  Im just going to say that I, as an 18 year old.. had fun in that place.


--- Quote from: chilled182 on December 11, 2006, 03:46:16 PM ---You know.. I think it was SFA, that had an area devoted to curious george.  Im just going to say that I, as an 18 year old.. had fun in that place.

--- End quote ---

I know that universal has a water area devoted to curious george that is all water and my kids as well as us adults had a good time in there on a hot day.


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