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Six Flags Free fall for sale $100,000? - Gadv takes down Free Fall

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--- Quote from: CycloneMan on December 15, 2006, 09:00:01 AM ---I honestly don't like this decission. But it will save GADV money. But with there budget, I don't expect anything in there for a while Though, if the rumors are true, we may see a Wild Mouse there, but can SF afford it?
--- End quote ---

It's not truely SF that would make that decision. It would be GAdv's. Depending on the budget for the year. I'm sure they could since spinners or any wild mouses don't cost too much.

I would love to see a Wild Mouse at Gadv.  I feel that's the only thing missing from our collection.  That and a EuroFighter.

I wild mouse would be nice, as it would be a great addition, since families can go on it.

Can we get the capacity we need out of a wild mouse though?

Sierra Sidewinder? FTW?


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