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Six Flags Free fall for sale $100,000? - Gadv takes down Free Fall

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Its sad to see a fun flat ride go. It will be missed.

But, Six Flags need more flat rides, their are not many left, and its going to leave us in a giant hole.

Buh, bye FF.

Glad to have ridden it 5x this season...

Times are a changing and FF going is a clear sign of that :'(

Im glad I rode it when I did this season. It stinks to have yet another ride taken away but the ride was old the parts were rare and it had problems. Sure the ride was fun and better than any drop tower but when you think about it FF demise opens up new possibilities for that spot.

I honestly don't like this decission. But it will save GADV money. But with there budget, I don't expect anything in there for a while Though, if the rumors are true, we may see a Wild Mouse there, but can SF afford it?

My grandmother took my brother and I on it when we were 4 years old and we loved it. And I took my little sister on when she was 5 and she loved it. It wa salways that introduction ride, that got you started young.

-Dainan "I will miss my Freefall" Rafferty


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