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Six Flags Free fall for sale $100,000? - Gadv takes down Free Fall

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--- Quote from: WadeJ on December 08, 2006, 08:21:59 PM ---I think over the next few years, we'll be seeing all of our empty ride pits replaced with actual rides....that work.

Baby steps though.  I'd rather see them get what we have working and if it can't work consistantly (Free Fall), get it out of there.

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I do hope you are right Wade. Can't wait to see the park again in the spring it will be strange with no FF.


--- Quote from: darkridedan on December 08, 2006, 09:39:52 PM ---It's sad to see it go. It was really different than any other drop tower in the area and its the only 1st gen. I've ridden. S&S and later generation free falls are thrilling, but no other drop tower could be placed in a corner of a park next to a maintenance area and give the rider a view of the whole park without exposing them to the ugliness of the back areas.

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Great point Dan, I didn't realize that.  Any other type of drop tower in that location would expose backstage areas.  I don't think we'll see any other type of high aerial ride in that location unless its part of a bigger plan that would add rides to areas behind the freefall walls.  There are still plenty of other great areas for an aerial ride.  I agree with Wade, Freefall fell (pun intended) out of its prime many years ago.  Coupled with the continuing problems of Chiller, its necessary to ensure that any nearby rides will have minimal downtime.

While going up the SLOW Nitro lift the "back lot" staging areas can be seen clearly.
Why would it be any different with a drop tower  ?
Also a 300 + drop tower you can see for miles so location doesn't really matter ?
I'm I missing something ?

Not to mention the oh-so-pretty housing trailers...

I get the impression from this regime that a little more thought and consideration is being put into attraction locations.  Shapiro himself made mention a few times now about how there will be no more coasters plopped in a parking lot.

Personally, I think a family spinning mouse coaster with the longer trains for high capacity would be a good addition to this spot.


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