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Six Flags Free fall for sale $100,000? - Gadv takes down Free Fall

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^They did replace spinmeister...just not with a ride. :P

Bubba Z:

--- Quote from: overlord on December 08, 2006, 05:20:46 PM ---Anyways, no more awesome pictures of SFMM against the blue sky.

--- End quote ---

You mean  SMFF (Stunt man's free fall ) not  SFMM (Six Flags Magic Mountain)  Right ? :)


--- Quote from: overlord on December 08, 2006, 06:37:50 PM ---^They did replace spinmeister...just not with a ride. :P

--- End quote ---

Yeah I know but I ment to replace it with a ride. At least make an attempt to replace the rides you take down.

I think over the next few years, we'll be seeing all of our empty ride pits replaced with actual rides....that work.

Baby steps though.  I'd rather see them get what we have working and if it can't work consistantly (Free Fall), get it out of there.

It's sad to see it go. It was really different than any other drop tower in the area and its the only 1st gen. I've ridden. S&S and later generation free falls are thrilling, but no other drop tower could be placed in a corner of a park next to a maintenance area and give the rider a view of the whole park without exposing them to the ugliness of the back areas.

EDIT- Sorry about the previous rant. It was a bad day!


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