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--- Quote from: overlord on October 29, 2006, 09:46:13 AM ---I wouldnt say for the $60 to get in for the day it would include going to Hurricane Harbor too. Maybe have like a $20 add on to get in because honestly, that place is going down the tubes. Maybe if more people went to it then we could possibly get a Tornado slide?

--- End quote ---
I keep reading how HH is in decline form people, but it's always packed.   I don't know why people who are regular park goers have this perception that HH has lost popularity, but it obviously hasn't since it's always crowded.   Just because YOU don't go, doesn't mean no one else does.   Adding something new would be nice, but obviously it isn't crucial to the park drawing guests.

I know I didn't go at all this season, but that was simply a case of not having the time on days I knew it wouldn't be crowded (I hate to wait on lines so I only go when it's not busy).  The days I could go, I saw lines down the stairs on all the is that the park "going down the tubes"?

Hmmm.  In that case, the park may not be going down the tubes...but the people in it may sure be!

--GADVwow, running for the door

Teehee :D

Hey...I go to Hurricane Harbor! But isnt it funny how Six Flags builds a new HH for SFGam and connects it with the Theme Park and they also get a Tornado Slide too! Our HH is being put on the backburner I feel. So in my eyes, its going down the tubes in comparison to others. We got the theme park rides down packed so why not some new HH rides? Maybe some Nitro Racers? So much room to expand yet so little attention is given to it. :(

The difference is that our Hurricane Harbor is enough of a draw by itself that they don't need to include it with theme park admission.  Its all about what the market is like at each location.

HH in NJ is a bit on the larger side when compared to some of the other Six Flags water parks as well.  Personally, I'd rather see them replace rafts and tubes, clean up the place, spruce up the themed elements, add some paint here and there and give the place a REAL rehab.

At this point, a new slide would be icing on the cake because they obviously don't need one to help pull in large numbers.


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