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Maybe these will even be water rides? Who knows. We will just have to wait until next season. Or unless Wade can get us some construction tours. :D


--- Quote from: overlord on October 28, 2006, 10:26:15 PM ---If they were smart about the water issue, they would make Hurricane Harbor connected somehow so that maybe it would be included in the price of admission?

--- End quote ---

I don't see this ever happening.  Six Flags desperately needs the money.  No way are they going to include the waterpark with dry park admission.  In fact, I can see them separating some gates elsewhere in the country, though this would have to be done very carefully.

I wouldnt say for the $60 to get in for the day it would include going to Hurricane Harbor too. Maybe have like a $20 add on to get in because honestly, that place is going down the tubes. Maybe if more people went to it then we could possibly get a Tornado slide?

Ya, show HH some love for once!!! A Tornado slide would be an amazing, and much needed add on.

I never even been in HH  yet all these years.
In my mind I'm always thinking if the Theme Park is crowed the water park on a hot day will be just as bad or worse and I don't like waiting inline an hour + let alone for a water ride.

Also Friends and Family I know still to this day haven't been to the park in 10 - 15 + years do to past visits where crowds are the only thing they seen and long long lines.
I'm still trying to get them back to the park you ave to pick the days you go.

Long Long Long lines will prevent repeat visits and unhappy attendies


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