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anyone notice that the best part of the parking lot is the "perfered" lot.  Just wondering if I was the only one that notice the general parking lot is full of huge pot holes but the perfered lot is nice and smooth . Also the signs in the perfered lot are a lot better then the general lot. So if you want better spots Buck up and pay the $5 more for it . This is the message I seem to be getting from them anyone else?

I am wondering what changes the LTSP will get . I am slightly intrested to see if it will be themed with the looney tunes again or something else. Any ideas guys??

I'm sure one of the stipulations of the Planning Board approval was that repairs be made to the lot (it's one of their biggest complaints EVERY time the park comes to them for an approval).   That will probably mean the pot holes will get filled in the spring, and by midway through the season a whole new batch will open up.   

Of course the Planning Board might have gotten tired of the promises to fix the lot and actually force them to pave the whole thing in order to get the approval.   

It's not just Great Adventure, either.

The old Six Flags management put its money into rides, rides, rides.  Parking lots got next to no attention.  The lots at other Six Flags parks (at least the asphalt ones) are frequently no better.

The trams is a good point, too.  Virtually no parks but Dollywood, the Disney and Busch parks regularly run trams any more.  $15 bucks ought to at least get you a ride to the park.

But what with them automating the toll gates, I doubt we will see trams any time soon.


Actually, in their defense, I saw the trams running more than I didn't this year.  Of course, most of my visits were on the weekends but they actually did run.

--- Quote ---I am wondering what changes the LTSP will get . I am slightly intrested to see if it will be themed with the looney tunes again or something else. Any ideas guys??
--- End quote ---

Rumor has it that the area will be re-themed Wiggles World.  There is another topic around here somewhere on that.  I also "heard" that the re-themed area will also stretch into what was Koala Canyon.

Good points GAcoaster.  Maybe THIS time they might actually really fix it for once.

wiggles world OH NO  :o..enough sadi on that. i don't really care what the theme is as long as the rides are up and running . I do hope that they include the canyon area in the rehab. It is getting pretty old now correct me if i am wrong but hasn't that been there since it was adventure rivers ??  ::)


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