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Associated Press Travel Editor's TR of GADV

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Robert T Ackerman:

Seems like what a lot of people are expriencing lately...

That is the same experience I had.
long lines for lame Horror attractions
SFNE was much better

I went on a Saturday night and I got one ride it was KK with a exit pass I had, I waited 25 minutes for front with 2 train operation. that was the only ride I went on that night.
did the Terror trail,torched show  then tried to to the hayride but it was closed even before 10pm.
 will never go on a Saturday night again unless it's raining

Now this story didn't suprise me at all. Maybe the park should start FF earlier in Sept. Maybe then the crowds will be better . Or do what other parks do make the season pass only good for that year . If I had gone to Dorney and bought a 2007 SP I couldn't have used it for this year at all. Maybe that will kill some of the crowds . Too many people at one time make others think of not comming back to the park .To me that is worse for business then restricting the sale of the SP to the year sold.. AS this story is  not too great for business people don't want to read how long the lines are and that it took HOURS to get out of the parking lot.

With the crowds FF draws you would think they could make some more $ if they started FF earlier like later Sept.

...which is what Cedar Fair is doing at some of its parks next year.  At Kings Island, for example, Fear Fest will begin the last Friday in September.


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