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5 arrests made at Great Adventure

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These are the guests Shapiro needs to get rid of

--- Quote ---Five arrests are made at Six Flags

Men charged with forging hand stamps, drug possession
Posted by the Asbury Park Press on 10/24/06

JACKSON ? Police arrested five men and charged them with forging hand stamps to allow people to enter the Six Flags Great Adventure theme park without paying, police reported Monday.

Multiple drug charges were also handed out against the four Union men and one Queens man, said Sgt. Thomas Hratko.

The five individuals were in a passenger vehicle when it was stopped at 4:20 p.m. Sunday, Hratko said.

After being alerted by security at Great Adventure, five Jackson police officers responded to make a motor vehicle stop inside the theme park.

Sgt. Brian Geoghegan, patrol officers Fred Meabe, Michael Grochowski, Trevor Crowley, and Colin Menafra responded to the call, Hratko said.

Arrested were Edward Williams, 25, of Queens; Ricardo Chin, 19; Rashad Clark, 19; Edward Doherty, 18, and James Garcia, 20.

The men were found to have equipment to make and check hand stamps to gain entry into the park, Hratko said. Included in the findings were hand stamps, latex gloves, baby powder and an ultraviolet light, Hratko said.

Chin, Clark, Doherty, Williams and Garcia were all charged with forgery, conspiracy to commit forgery, and possession of a forgery device, Hratko said.

All five men were charged with possession of cocaine, possession of a controlled dangerous substance and possession of drug paraphernalia, Hratko said.

In addition, Williams was charged with multiple drug possessions that included cocaine, marijuana and Ecstasy, Hratko said. Clark and Garcia were charged with distribution of a controlled dangerous substance, according to Hratko, who also said that Chin was charged with defiant trespass.

The men were held in the Ocean County Jail in Toms River: Chin was held in lieu of $125,000 bail, Garcia in lieu of $100,000 bail, Clark in lieu of $85,000 bail. Doherty and Williams were held in lieu of $75,000 bail, said Sgt. Edward Bennett.

Margaret F. Bonafide: (732) 557-5740 or

--- End quote ---

Robert T Ackerman:
I read this on another site and was just about to post it here...

This is a shame, I hate saying this, but I really HATE the group that comes to our park...

David Jr:
I know i'm going to get flamed for saying this but:

Did y'all notice these guys were from the NYC area. >:(

I read this in the paper while at work since a co-worker had to point it out. :( I am so disgusted I didn't even want to discuss it here.

Thats what coming into the park, no surprise here.


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